colour ribbon中文什么意思

发音:   用"colour ribbon"造句
  • colour:    n. 1.颜色,色彩;色调;着色;色 ...
  • ribbon:    n. 1.缎带,丝带;带。 2.(勋 ...
  • s ribbon:    内侧丘系
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  1. The brightly coloured ribbon slows falls onto the grotesque corpses of the two guards and the blood on the ground
  2. She had four dinky sets , with awfully pretty stitchery , three garments and nighties extra , and each set slotted with different coloured ribbons , rosepink , pale blue , mauve and peagreen and she aired them herself and blued them when they came home from the wash and ironed them and she had a brickbat to keep the iron on because she wouldn t trust those washerwomen as far as she d see them scorching the things


  1. colour response curve 什么意思
  2. colour reversal film 什么意思
  3. colour reversal material 什么意思
  4. colour reversible electrochemical filter 什么意思
  5. colour reversion 什么意思
  6. colour ries 什么意思
  7. colour rubbing 什么意思
  8. colour salt 什么意思
  9. colour sample 什么意思
  10. colour sampling 什么意思



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